The Model 161 bulge/FLC tester is an electro-hydraulic testing machine that is used to carry out hydraulic cupping tests on all ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Samples up to 400 x 650 mm in size can be tested. In addition to the actual hydraulic forming, its construction also enables it to be used with ball stamps (FLC) of any diameter from 100 to 199 mm and up to 1000 kN tensile force
The Model 145 belongs to our top-of-the-line models of our sheet metal testing machines. Depending on the demand, there are three versions available: 145-60 BASIC, 145-60 & 145-100. The drawing force of 600 kN or 1000 kN, including an increased blanking force and blank holder holder force for blank diameters up to 220 mm. The testing machines are equipped with electro-hydraulic drive, fully automatic test sequence and switch-off at specimen failure. This Sheet Metal Testing Machine is not only ideal for the effortless, quick and accurately all important and known-deep drawing tests for ferrous and non-ferrous metals, it is also designed for a large number of additional technological investigations. Test standard conformity ISO 8490, EN 14-58, EN 14-67, EN ISO 20482, JIS Z-2247, DIN EN 1669, ISO 11 531, JIS Z 2249, GB/T 15825, ISO 12004, ISO 16808
The Model 142 series of Universal Sheet Metal Testing Machines are equipped with an electrohydraulic drive, fully automatic test sequence and switch off at specimen failure, max. drawing forces 200 kN or 400 kN – Capable of performing ERICHSEN Cupping Test, ERICHSEN Deep Drawing Cup Test, FLC-Test, Bulge-Test, High Speed Test including an extensive range available on request. Testing in acc. ISO 8490, EN 14-58, EN 14-67, EN ISO 20482, JIS Z-2247, DIN EN 1669, ISO 11 531, JIS Z 2249, GB/T 15825
Application: This Testing Machine can be used not only to perform effortlessly, quickly and accurately all important and known deep drawing tests for ferrous and non-ferrous metals, but it is also designed for a large number of additional technological investigations like the ERICHSEN Cupping Test and the ERICHSEN Deep Drawing Cup Test on sheet and strip.
Relevant attributes are: Square Cup Test (40 x 40 mm), Bore Expanding Test (KWI Test), Deep Drawing Test with Blankholder Quick Release (for Earing Test), Deep Drawing Test with Preselected Punch Stroke, Deep Drawing Test at High Temperatures up to 550 °C, Bulge Test, ERICHSEN Cupping Test for Lacquer and Paint in accordance with DIN ISO 1520, Stamping Lacquer Test and Deep Drawing Cup Test on Coil Coatings.
Special Requirements on request.
The Testing Machine is driven electro-hydraulically. The test sequence can be controlled automatically or manually, as desired. A programme logic control is used to control the functions of the machine. Drawing force and blankholder force as well as the drawing punch stroke are displayed digitally. The triple-acting hydraulic system in conjunction with the general design results in the following cost saving simplifications:
Blanking press in the test head
Hydraulic cup ejector
Fully-automatic test sequence
The Sheet Metal Testing Machine, Model 142, was developed not only for testing as a means for continuous production control, using standardised and other established methods, but also for research into all aspects of testing of sheet metal for deep drawing by studying all that is relevant to sheet metal forming.
With electro-hydraulic drive, max. drawing force 120 kN and adjustment for pre-setting the blank holder pressure max. 45 kN, blanking head (max. blanking force of 200 kN), automatic test sequence and facility for automatic stop at specimen failure. Drawing force and blankholder force as well as the drawing punch stroke are displayed digitally ERICHSEN Cupping Test, Deep Drawing Cup Test, Bore Expanding Test and Special Tests. Electro-hydraulic drive Program Logic control Fully automatic test sequence
Electronically controlled cupping test machine with electro-hydraulic drive and automatic test sequence, including crack detection, standardized cupping speed and a maximum drawing force of 45 kN – This testing machine is available as a work-top model with compact dimensions which requires only a minimum of space. For the ERICHSEN CUPPING TEST on all ferrous and non-ferrous metals in accordance with the following standards: ISO 8490 DIN 50 101 / 50 102 EN 14-58 ASTM 643-84 EN 14-67 JIS Z-2247
The Model 126 Plus ear measuring instrument is used to make axial measurements of deep-draw cups and can blanks. The typical standards here are DIN EN 1669 and ISO 11531. The device consists of a rotary table, a jaw chuck and a vertical measuring head (with measuring roller and length measuring probe). A jaw chuck secures and centers the cup. The measuring head can be adjusted to fit different sample diameters and heights. During one revolution of the rotary table, the measuring head records the shape of the cup edge (the so-called unevenness). Ear measuring instrument, for cups of 15 – 50 mm diameter, max. 100 mm cup height
Question: Can you measure 1,500 cups/day?
Answer: YES, using the Erichsen fully automatic zipping measuring system Model 126 Plus Automatic:
***Check out the new fully automatic Model 126 Plus Automatic ear measuring device capable of measuring up to 1500 cups/day. Combing the proven and recognized measuring technology, software evaluation of our established Model 126 Plus now with new unique features such as camera-based rolling direction detection.
A brief overview of the process- the operator loads individual trays with up to 42 individual test cups. The interchanging magazine can take up to 5 of these trays and can be loaded throughout the ongoing measurement operation. The control system processes the measuring tasks independently and transmits the results to the user’s database. For this purpose, a tablet is first taken from the changing magazine and fed into the handling system. A barcode scanner checks whether the position of the tablet is used and uniquely identifies the cup to be measured. If the cup cannot be identified, it is automatically ejected separately.
Identified cups are fed to the rolling direction detection module. Here, the precise position of the cup on the suction cup is measured in relation to the rolling direction. Only then is the earing measured, evaluated according to predefined algorithms (taking the rolling direction into account) and data determined transferred to the customer’s database with the ID read from the barcode. The entire process is displayed and can be observed and monitored via the integrated screens displays. Magazine replacement, approx. every 3 hours. Data is stored locally on the computer for up to 1 year.
The Bead Test Instrument Model 227, enables the quantitative assessment of the technological properties of stamping paints and plastic coatings on cylindrical standard cups. The instrument was designed to produce stresses comparable to those which occur in practice and is particularly suited for use in the development of high quality stamping paints
With electro-hydraulic drive and fully automatic test sequence. ERICHSEN Cupping Test, Deep Drawing Cup Test, Bore Expanding Test, Data Evalution Software with User Test Software, Data logger for recording the measurements such as drawing and blank holder force and stroke. This Sheet Metal Testing Machine is intended for testing materials in the medium thickness range (0.1 to approx. 3.5 mm). It provides rapid an reliable quality monitoring for sheet metal producers and users.
The ERICHSEN Sheet Metal Testing Machine, Model 100, is a bench mounted unit with a cast iron machine body and a cylindrical test head. To conduct the cupping test the sheet metal specimen or foil is entered into an opening through the test head. The screw-in blankholder is set for the sheet thickness using the scale provided. The test head is then tightened manually against a stop on the locating sleeve. This clamps the blank with a force of 10 kN as required by the cupping test standards mentioned above. The clutch pin is pulled outwards from the locating sleeve, the test head is turned clockwise and the cupping process commences. The cupping test value reached is displayed on a digital counter. The forming process and the appearance of the crack can be observed conveniently looking down onto the blank holder.