The MULTI GRIT TESTER 508 VDA is a stone hammer blow testing instrument that at first was developed in co-operation with the “Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA)” (Association of the Automotive Industry) but now also meets the specifications of national and international standards. The MULTI GRIT TESTER 508 VDA is used to assess the ability of single and multiple layers of paints and similar coating materials to stand up to the impacts caused by small bodies of low mass hitting the specimen at high speed as experienced on road and rail vehicles and other equipment used in the transport field. The new MULTI GRIT TESTER 508 SAE is a stone hammer blow testing instrument equipped with an adjustable impact angle, contrary to the execution of VDA. 508 VDA acc. To DIN EN ISO 20567-1, FORD FLTM BI 157-06, RENAULT D24 1702, PSA D24 1312, DAIMLER DBL 5416. 508 SAE acc. To SAE J 400, ASTM D 3170.
Options include: Impact Cabinet RIMpact I (for models 508/SAE and VDA) Enables the user to test complete rims respectively and in principle several other larger sized specimens.
Analysis system GRITSCAN for the automatic evaluation of impact images. It is a surface analysis system consisting of a combination of hardware and software, especially for capture and analysis at impact images.